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afacmur hmmm

Three more Murcian Charities Benefit from HELP M.M.M.

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During the last weeks of May HELP Murcia Mar Menor was able to make its last three donations to charities in the Murcia region from monies raised during 2015. Pat Massingham president of HELP presented Rafael Ros Bobadilla of Afacmur with a cheque for €2000. This charity assists families who have children who have been diagnosed with cancer by means of visits from psychologists who assess the home situation and then offer the help needed. Children in hospital receiving chemotherapy treatment are guided through the process by people who are able to help them understand and cope with the situation they find themselves in. Afacmur also organise summer holiday camps where the children meet others in the same situation and they are able to help each other in difficult circumstances. It also helps to give the parents a few days respite.

Afacmur is based in Murcia and works together with La Arixaca hospital; this is the only hospital in Spain with a specialized program to assist children with cancer and their parents. It is partly funded by the government but lately this funding has been greatly reduced due to the economic crisis in Spain.

HELP´S donation was very much appreciated.

Picture shows Elaine Dale of HELP with Pat Massingham HELP´S President presenting the cheque to Rafael Ros Bobadilla of Afacmur.

prometo hmmm

Later in the day it was the turn of Prometeo Torre Pacheco where once again the President of HELP Pat Massingham was able to hand over a cheque for €2000 to Ascnsion Mendez to enable the charity to carry on it´s good works. Founded in 1997, Prometeo runs a day centre for mentally and physically handicapped children and adults with differing levels of incapacity from the age of 16 to 65 years. Their service covers physiotherapy, aquatic and occupational therapy, training in social skills which enable them to lead more independent lives. There is also a leisure group that provides parents with respite. Prometeo also look after smaller children up to six years of age in another building which was opened in November 2010 and has been extended over the years.

The picture shows Pat Massingham President of HELP handing the President of Prometeo Ascension Mendez the cheque for €2000. Also present is Sandra Martinez of Prometeo and Janneke Chambers of HELP. Pat and Janneke were given handmade tokens of appreciation made by one of the clients, to remember the day, a small plant and a bracelet with the name of Prometeo on them.

afemur hmmm

Last but not least on May 25th a donation was made to A.F.E.M.A.R. in Lo Pagan. This organisation was set up in 2008 by families who saw the need to help people with mental illnesses; they now work in conjunction with FEAFES in the Murcia Region. All the clients have mental illnesses and attend a day centre where they are assisted in social and contact attitudes to help them to better function and be accepted into wider society.

The services AFEMAR provide are psychological help for clients and their families, information about specific illnesses, educational workshops including reading and writing, personal hygiene, music, kitchen skills, occupational and artistic workshops including furniture restoration, bicycle repairs, painting and handicrafts.

They also assist families to understand mental illness and assist youngsters between 6 and 18 years of age who have behaviour problems and learning difficulties.

As with all organisations these days AFEMAR struggles financially and the donation of €2000 from HELP Mercia Mar Menor was much appreciated and will be used for their workshops and projects.

Photograph showing Pat Massingham President of HELP M.M.M. accompanied by Janneke Chambers of HELP presenting Juana Maria Romero Baños the president of AFEMAR accompanied by Vice President José Luis Martinez Zamora with a cheque for €2000 from money raised by HELP M.M.M. during 2015.