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Working in the office of Help Murcia Mar Menor

  • News

If you ask any of the volunteers who work in the office of HELP Murcia Mar Menor what they do they would probably find it quite difficult to give an easy answer. This is not because they don´t know what they are doing, on the contrary they are very good at what they do. It is more that every day is different, our aim is to help people with any problems they may have and these can be many and varied.

A large part of our work is loaning mobility equipment, not just wheeelchairs or electric scooters but also walking aids and bathroom equipment.

An equally important part of the job is providing information. This may be how to renew a passport, driving licence, how to register for health care, or how to arrange Power of attorney.

We also get requests for less important information such as bus or ferry timetables, directions to a bank, or people looking for homes to rent.

Because of our fundraising efforts during the year we have been able to make donations each year to other charities who provide much needed help to the poor of the Murcia region, these include Aidemar, Afemar, Afecmur, Prometeo, AMMA, the Butterfly Children and Holidays for Heroes. We have also donated food and nappies to six Caritas branches.

We are often asked by the British Consulate to help British subjects in difficulty when the Consulate is unable to provide direct help. We have also helped people of other nationalities where we can.

We also have information on Nursing and Old Peoples homes, much in demand as ex-pats grow older.

If you have a question our volunteers will always do their best to give you an answer, and if we don´t know the answer we probably know a man that does.

So you see, work in our office is never the same two days running and it doesn´t end there! We also have a 24 hour helpline. If you think you might be interested in learning more please feel free to drop in Monday to Friday 10 am to 1.30 pm.

Perhaps you would like something interesting to do – why not join us.

For further information you can contact the HELP office at 968 570 059 or visit at Calle Penèlope 11, Los Narejos, Los Alcazares.